The feature you are looking for is called Gentoo USE flags, makepkg does not support this use case, and if you wish to do so anyway you can add a flag variable at the top of the PKGBUILD which requires manual editing.
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Microcode update image for AMD CPUs local/amdvlk 2021. Some benchmarks can be seen in It's FOSS and Phoronix. Bak kardeşim amdvlk ile vulkan-radeon her iki paket de bir arada kurulabilmesine rağmen AMD ekram kartlarda öznitelik çakışmasına sebep olduğu için oyunları açmıyor. Back in April we wrote about the AMDVLK 2021.o: Subject: repo/proj/guru:dev commit in: media-libs/amdvlk/ Date: So it looks to be a Vega specific bug, and only on Linux. Since the Mesa RADV driver has come a long. Les paquetages sont optimisés pour les processeurs i686 et la nouvelle génération 64bits. 1 Nvidia started a new long-term series with 460xx A new Quarterly Release of AMDVLK Pamac got another point-release A lot of Haskell and Python rebuilds. About Drivers Vulkan Search: Arch Amdgpu. The wiki crash kinda made it stagnate though. This is needed for at least one of the AMD-maintained graphics stacks: AMDVLK (open-source) and/or AMDGPU-PRO (proprietary). Bizzat kendim denedim ve Arch topluluğuna bu sorunu da zaten ilettim. 2 is out in closing out the month and bringing more Big Navi optimizations. Gaming On Linux - a large community dedicated for gaming on Linux. AMDVLK support is ready to go for today’s Radeon RX 6500 series debut for that mainstream GPU offering. Gentoo Wiki - wiki intended for Gentoo but is useful for other distros. Arch Linux est une distribution légère et rapide dont le concept est de rester la plus simple possible (philosophie KISS).

The curious thing now, is what will happen in the open source driver space for AMD GPUs. Arch Linux is a general-purpose rolling release Linux distribution which is very popular among the DIY enthusiasts and hardcore Linux users. Chajdas from AMD on Twitter, which was retweeted by another developer I follow to end up in my timeline.